Tuesday 18 October 2016

How To Essay

How is gender portrayed in the extract of Hustle through:
Camera work

& Editing?

In the extract of Hustle the theories of Mulvey (1975), Mackillon (2002) and Gauntlett (2002) are both supported and distrupted through the media language present in the clip. I will now explore this in more detail with reference to how; camera work, mise-en-scene, sound and editing contributes to constructions of gender representation.
 The opening shot is a low angle medium close up of middle aged male wearing an expensive suit. The camera angle gives him masculine status as it makes him powerful which could fit Gauntlet’s 2002 theory however, the way he is standing is not a masculine pose which means his character also fits Mackillon’s theory as he is looking more feminine. In the background there is a younger female character shown coming up the stairs to the clothing shop, the positioning seems to support traditonal gender roles as she appears lower down, and therefore less important, than the lead male character. The opening scene is accompanied by non-diegetic music that changes when the women comes into shot, it is quite feminine and it contributes to sexaulising the female character in a way that fits Mulvey’s 1975 theory. Furthermore, it contributes to de-masculinising the male character to a point where he almost appears camp which also fits with the dress shop setting and his job. The shots are linked together with a sound bridge and continuity editing is used to not distract the viewer.
Moving onto the following shots within the scene, we're greeted by partially different editing tecniques, since as continuity editing through the 180 degree rule, and shot reverse shot, as we see the characters alternatively as they speak. Drawing attention to the older female character, dressed and behaving much like the typical housewife character, and appearing substantially lower class than the other two characters in shot. Though she does follow some very typical gender conventions; such as being seen from a low angle, looking up, or high angles when she is being looked down on. This links in with theories stated by Gauntlett, as though the middle aged male character goes somewhat against his theory, he is still seen as much more powerful than that of the older female. Throughout this, in the background, we have a medium long shot of the younger female browsing on the opposite side of the room. This is heavily influenced on the 1975 Mulvey theory, supporting this theory. This leads to the idea that both she and the male in the shot are more important and higher class than the older women, as they both appear higher up in the shot than her placement. 

A little further on in the scene, we have match on action editing, going from a cut in of younger woman's hand, to a close up of her face. Accompanied by the music, this is again linking back to Mulvey's theory. The non-diegetic music again, sexualises this. Also, the red nail polish is part of the mise-en-scene, and only adds to the scene supporting Mulvey's theory. Along with this, it is somewhat surprising to see that the younger women character possessed a ring on her ring finger which usually connotes that a character is most likely married; even though the character is generally flirting with the male. It is interesting that he is easily distracted by this behaviour, though, this does support both Gauntlett and Mackillion's theories. Here, there is a fade out/into black, as the middle aged male runs out of the shot. The male character is a rather confusing one, as he comes across as a typical camp, feminine character in the way he stands, and through his actions. However, this character must be instead straight, as Gauntlett's theory is being supported. He looks down on the younger female character in a medium long shot, and is portrayed this way too, by over the shoulder, high angle, close ups; for the simple reasoning that he appears higher up than the women, and therefore has the powerful vibes.

Thursday 6 October 2016

⭐ Sound ⭐

Sound is an important factor to any piece of film, be it a movie of a TV show. Though there are a lot of things accounted for an effective sound throughout any piece of film; and everything below is important to understand.

Diegetic and Non-Diegetic

Diegetic sound is 'realistic to what we see on screen. The source of this sound is visible on screen, and is involved with the narrative. A door slamming, sirens in the distance, or a phone ringing are basic examples of what diegetic sound is. More examples may include:
  • Dialogue 
  • Sounds created by objects 
  • Music coming from instruments on screen
  • Room tone and ambience (background noise)
Non-Diegetic sound is practically the opposite of diegetic sound. The source is not present within that narrative, nor is is supposed to be. This can only be heard by the audience alone. Examples are as follows:

  • Music to set the mood
  • Soundtrack or score
  • Dramatic sound effects that do not fit with what is on screen
  • Commentary


  • Title music: Theme tunes, usually used within the opening titles of a moving image series or movie

  • Score/incidental music: Orchestral music, used to connote the tone/atmosphere

  • Sound motifs: Sounds associated with certain characters; connoting that something good/bad is about to happen

  • Sound effects: Used to create atmosphere 
  • Voice over: Gives the viewer a better insight of the thoughts of a character (creating a bond between both the audience and the character), set the scene or progress the narrative

Synchronous sound: Sounds matching what is seen on screen
Sound effects: Realistic sounds matching the action on screen; creating realism or connoting atmosphere (gun shots, door opening/closing)
Dialogue: Characters speaking
Ambient sound: Natural background noise you would expect to hear if the scene were real. This is vital to creating realism